What is the cost of braces in Sydney? 

The average cost of braces in Sydney ranges from $3,000 to $9,000. However, these costs vary considerably depending on several factors including your brace type, the duration, complexity and the type of treatment you require. During your consultation, a specialist Orthodontist will clinically examine you before determining the full cost of your braces and offering a variety of payment plans and financing options available to you.  

Below outlines each type, their advantages and disadvantages and what you can expect to pay for a full course of orthodontic treatment in Sydney. 

Braces types 

Teeth straightening and re-aligning your teeth has become quite advanced in recent years broadening the options available. 

Some of the different types to choose from include: 

Types of Braces  Average Cost of Braces in Sydney based on type 
Ceramic Braces

(tooth-coloured, clear brackets) 

Ranging from $6,000 to $12,000 
Metal Braces 

(conventional type) 

Ranging from $3,000 to $9,000 
Lingual Braces 

(almost invisible) 

Ranging from $4,500 to $15,000 
Clear Aligners 


Ranging from $4,000 to $12,000 


How do you pay for braces? 

There are many ways to pay for braces including upfront, using health insurance to cover a portion of the cost or using a payment plan to spread the cost of the treatment and make repayments over time. 

At Fox Orthodontics, we always ensure we clinically examine you before determining a precise treatment plan. Only then can we determine the cost. We will do this when you meet us for the first time at the consultation visit. We will offer you a variety of payment plans and financing options. For your convenience, we accept payments in cash, cheque, credit card, EFTPOS and direct debit. For more details refer to the payments section below. 

Does Medicare cover braces? 

Braces and orthodontic treatments are not covered by Medicare. However, may be entitled to some rebate for braces with Medicare if you have an existing underlying diagnosed medical condition (such as a cleft palate). 

Government programs for braces in Australia 

There are also no specific government programs in Australia that subsidise the cost of braces.  

However, The Australian government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) offers help for children and young adults ages 2-17 years to cover part or the full cost for a range of basic dental services and procedures for free if they get certain payments. However, benefits for orthodontic treatment such as braces aren’t covered under the CDBS.  

To be eligible for the Australian government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) the following criteria must be met: 

  • 0 – 17 years old  
  • Eligible for Medicare 
  • The child or parents of the child must be getting a payment from the CDBS at least once a year. 

For more information visit the Australian Government website. 

Does health insurance cover braces? 

You may be able to claim a portion or all of your brace cost under private health insurance, depending on the details of your policy and your level of extra cover. Orthodontic rebates from private health insurance in Sydney can range from a few hundred dollars to over $2,500 – so it pays to check with your fund before getting braces. 

If you don’t currently have any dental coverage, keep in mind that most private health funds require a 12-month waiting period before getting treatment. Therefore, it helps to weigh up your options on whether it is worth starting treatment with or without health insurance. 

Why would you need braces? 

Braces fix crowded or crooked teeth, an overbite or an underbite.  

Crowded and crooked teeth do not just affect your physical appearance but are also harder to clean which can cause problems such as premature tooth decay, cavities, chewing difficulties and uneven wear and tear.  

Professional orthodontic treatment and care such as braces and teeth aligners not only fix bite  issues but can also improve the overall appearance of your smile and increase your confidence. 

If you have any of the issues above contact a specialist orthodontist who can discuss dental concerns and the appropriate teeth straightening you may need. 

Ceramic Braces 

What are Ceramic braces?

Ceramic braces, also known as clear braces, are clear or tooth-coloured orthodontic tools that attach to the surface of your teeth using similarly coloured wires and rubber bands to straighten teeth and fix bite problems. They also offer a more aesthetic and discreet alternative to traditional metal braces.

Advantages of Ceramic Braces 

  • Ceramic braces are more discreet than traditional braces and won’t be noticeable in pictures 
  • The archwire can be coloured to blend with Your natural tooth colour 
  • Ceramic braces are tougher than they sound! They are durable and effective. 
  • Ceramic braces don’t demineralize tooth enamel 
  • Provides less discomfort than traditional metal braces 
  • Ceramic braces don’t stain as easily and are less susceptible to discolouration. 
  • Ceramic braces are easy to remove after treatment finishes 
  • You can add flair with coloured bands

Disadvantages of Ceramic Braces 

  • Elastic ties may become stained 
  • More prone to chipping or cracking 
  • They’re more expensive than metal braces.  
  • They may cause gum sensitivity.  
  • They’re slightly less durable than metal 
  • They move teeth slower than metal.  

What is the average cost of Ceramic Braces in Sydney? 

The average cost of ceramic braces in Sydney as of 2023 ranges between $5000 and $9500 for a standard treatment plan. 

Metal Braces 

What are metal braces? 

Metal braces are attached to your teeth with stainless steel metal brackets and wires using adhesive and rubber bands. The rubber bands are used to further place pressure on the teeth to move them into the desired position. These are adjusted every few weeks. Metal braces cannot be removed allowing them to work day and night to straighten your teeth. They are the most commonly used orthodontic appliances and are well-suited to both major and minor orthodontic problems.  

Unlike the metal braces of the past, today’s metal braces are smaller, more comfortable and more attractive. The precise bracket geometries and a coordinated arch form are designed to reduce the need for compensating wire bends and delivering quality results. 

Metal braces rubber bands can be customised and are available in a variety of colours. 

Advantages of metal braces 

  • Cost-effective 
  • They are durable and resistant to breakage as they are created using titanium or stainless steel 
  • They stay in place and provide continuous dental care, aligning your teeth until you’re done with the treatment.  
  • They work fast 
  • They are suitable for complex or tough realignment cases. 

Disadvantages of metal braces 

  • They are more noticeable compared to other teeth straightening options. 
  • Require proper oral hygiene 
  • Tooth decalcification (beginning of a cavity) can occur if someone with metal braces doesn’t brush and/or floss properly. 
  • You can’t eat certain foods 
  • They need to be tightened periodically which can be uncomfortable and/or leave your mouth sore 


What is the average cost of Metal Braces in Sydney? 

The average cost of metal braces in Sydney ranges from $3,000 to $7,000 for a standard treatment plan. 


Lingual Braces 

Lingual bracesare contoured to hug the lingual (tongue-side) surfaces of the teeth. These braces are completely hidden and therefore people won’t see a mouth full of plastic or metal. Our practice uses Incognito braces. These have a low profile, so they are less likely to interfere with speech. They come with special custom-made archwires that are precisely programmed with your child’s unique prescription to ensure efficient and effective tooth movement. 

Advantages of lingual braces 

  • Virtually invisible 
  • Effective treatment 
  • Minimal impact on speech 
  • They effectively correct most bite problems. 
  • They can be customised to increase your comfort and maximise their efficiency.

Disadvantages of lingual braces 

  • More expensive than other types of braces. 
  • Potential discomfort and tongue irritation, especially at first. 
  • Longer adjustment period than conventional braces. 
  • They can give you a temporary lisp. 


What is the average cost of Lingual Braces in Sydney? 

The average cost of Lingual Braces in Sydney can vary greatly from $4500 to $12,500. 


Clear aligners (invisible braces) 

Clear aligners or invisible braces are a series of plastic aligners that are designed to align your teeth in a sequential manner. They provide a suitable clear braces alternative for a range of common cases, including teeth gaps, overbites, underbites, crossbites and open bites. 

Clear aligners are easily removed for eating or to clean the teeth. The aligners are changed every 7-10 days and are replaced with a new aligner. The severity of the misalignment of teeth and jaw treatment will influence the number of aligners it takes to correct the alignment of the teeth. 

Types of clear aligners and invisible solutions 

Invisalign (invisible braces) 

Invisalign employs a series of plastic clear aligners that are customized to align your teeth in a phased manner 


Incognito bracket bases are contoured to hug the lingual (tongue-side) surfaces of your teeth for optimal comfort, fit and performance. 

Insignia is a fully interactive software and custom appliance system designed to give every patient a truly customised smile. 


Clear Correct is a popular alternative to metal braces that use no wires or brackets and involve wearing a clear plastic sequential aligner, similar to Invisalign. 

Damon Clear 

Certified Damon System doctors combine three key components, which when used together, deliver faster treatment, fewer appointments, greater comfort, and consistent high-quality results. 

Spark Aligners 

Spark Aligners are next-level clear aligners for straighter teeth with none of the pain or discomfort of braces.

Advantages of Invisalign 

  • Almost invisible 
  • No dietary restrictions 
  • Easier maintenance 
  • Invisalign aligners are barely noticeable and you don’t have to hide your smile during treatment. 
  • It allows you the freedom to celebrate and carry on with your lifestyle with confidence. 
  • You have the freedom to eat, chew or drink whatever you like. 
  • Invisalign is ideal for the busy person as you only need to visit your doctor every 6-8 weeks. 
  • Invisalign oral hygiene is a lot easier to upkeep because Invisalign clear aligners are removable, letting you brush and floss your teeth regularly. 

Advantages of ClearCorrect Aligners 

  • Alternative to metal braces 
  • ClearCorrect aligners involving no wires or brackets; just clear, convenient comfort that gives you every reason to smile.  
  • These clear sequential aligners are removable, you can take them out to brush, floss, and eat your favourite foods.  
  • They fit into your life and daily routine perfectly and you don’t need to change a thing. 

Advantages of Incognito Braces 

  • Incognito braces are completely hidden behind your teeth and people will see you, not a mouth full of plastic or metal. 
  • They have a very low profile, so they are less likely to interfere with your speech. 
  • The special custom-made archwires are precisely programmed with your unique prescription to ensure efficient and effective tooth movement. 

Advantages of Damon Clear Aligners 

  • Damon passive self-ligating braces eliminate the need for elastic or metal “ties”.  
  • With Damon tie-less braces you can experience treatment without tightening. 
  • Light high-technology shape-memory wires that move teeth faster and require fewer adjustments. 
  • A new clinically proven treatment approach that aligns your teeth and enhances your facial aesthetics—usually without extractions or rapid palatal expanders. 

Advantages of SparkClear Aligners 

  • Maintaining oral hygiene and chewing/eating is effortless as Spark clear aligners are easily removable. 
  • Unlike braces, Spark clear aligners apply gentle pressure to straighten your teeth which makes them more comfortable. 
  • Their transparent property makes them a more discreet solution to getting straighter teeth. 
  • No food and drink restrictions to worry about with Spark clear aligners. 

Disadvantage of invisible or clear aligners 

  • Removable, requires discipline to wear. 
  • May require longer treatment time. 
  • Higher cost than traditional braces. 

What is the average cost of clear braces in Sydney? 

The average cost of clear braces in Sydney ranges from $4000 to $8000. 


How are clear aligners different from braces? 

Clear aligners are coloured to match your teeth or clear which means they are a discreet and appealing alternative to braces. Clear aligners are removable and do not involve any wires, elastics or brackets. 

Are braces or clear aligners painful? 

Different braces and aligners vary in pain and comfort. Clear aligners such as Invisalign are far less invasive than traditional metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, they can cause irritation and soreness due to wires and brackets. Clear aligners are not fixed and therefore have the potential to be more comfortable for many people.  

However, tooth movement for both braces and aligners can cause irritation or a few minor aches but this it’s not unbearable.  

If you feel any pain after your treatment that does not go away after a few days contact your dental orthodontic team, who can offer your advice and support.  


Wire Braces

What are wire braces? 

Wire braces are braces that use a sliding mechanism to adjust a thin wire called an archwire that runs through brackets attached to your teeth. They adjust the wire tension and provide the required force to move improperly aligned teeth to their proper position. 

Advantages of wire braces 

  • Efficient tooth movement 
  • Less friction, reduced discomfort 
  • Fewer dental visits required

Disadvantages of wire braces 

  • Higher cost 
  • Longer adjustment period 
  • May require more oral hygiene maintenance 

What is the average cost of Wire Braces in Sydney?

The average cost of wire braces in Sydney ranges from $4,500 to $7,500. 

What is the long-term benefit of investing in orthodontic treatment? 

Investing in orthodontic treatment can offer numerous long-term benefits, both in terms of oral health and overall wellbeing. Some of the key advantages include: 

  • Improved oral health: Orthodontic treatment can help align the teeth and jaws, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues that may arise due to misaligned teeth. 
  • Enhanced aesthetics: Straightening the teeth can significantly improve one’s smile and facial appearance, boosting self-confidence and enhancing overall self-esteem. 
  • Better bite and chewing function: Properly aligned teeth can improve bite function, making it easier to chew food and reducing the risk of abnormal wear on teeth, which can lead to problems like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. 
  • Speech improvement: Correcting misalignments can also contribute to better speech patterns and pronunciation, especially for individuals who have experienced speech difficulties due to dental issues. 
  • Reduced risk of dental injuries: Protruding or misaligned teeth can be more susceptible to injury during accidents. Orthodontic treatment can help reduce these risks by properly aligning the teeth and jaws. 
  • Long-term cost savings: While orthodontic treatment may represent a significant financial investment initially, it can prevent the need for more costly dental procedures in the future, potentially saving money over time. 
  • Better overall health: Addressing orthodontic issues can positively impact overall health, as it can make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, which is linked to reduced risks of various systemic health issues such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

It is important to consult with an orthodontist to determine the specific benefits of treatment based on individual needs and circumstances. Additionally, adhering to post-treatment instructions and maintaining regular dental check-ups can help ensure the long-term effectiveness of orthodontic treatment. 

Reasons to pick an orthodontist over a dentist

Resolving your issue once than twice 

Getting your issue resolved once and for all with an orthodontist is more convenient than addressing it several times during repeat visits to a general doctor. 

A difference in education, training and experience 

Both general dentists and orthodontists complete programs at accredited four-year dental schools, graduating as either Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). However, orthodontists undergo an additional two to three years of specialised education during their orthodontic residency. Orthodontists, also exclusively train in their field during residency, accumulate more experience by the time they obtain their practising license compared to the average general dentist. 

While many practitioners offer orthodontic treatments, those without an orthodontic license often have minimal training, sometimes limited to a weekend course or seminar. 

This is often surprising for many people, but it is a common practice. 

Holistic Orthodontic Approach and personalised treatment options 

Unlike many general dentists who offer limited orthodontic choices, orthodontists can tailor personalised treatment plans to address individual needs effectively and determine which option will work most effectively in your situation. 

Orthodontists not only provide teeth alignment but also consider gums, jaw joints, facial aesthetics, and surrounding oral and maxillofacial structures. This comprehensive approach provides the highest level of care and ensures improved bite function, aligned jaw joints, and straightened teeth for optimal oral health.  


While the initial cost might be higher, choosing an orthodontist with extensive knowledge and training proves to be an investment in the long run. The quality of care provided often outweighs the potential costs and concerns associated with less specialised practitioners.  

Best of both worlds 

General dentists are skilled in restorative dentistry, handling fillings, crowns, and bridges. Orthodontists even encourage continued visits to general dentists for cleanings and examinations during orthodontic treatment, ensuring overall oral health. 

Trained and up-to-date with the latest technology  

Just like most things, the field of Orthodontics changes and evolves. Orthodontists and staff stay ahead of the latest technologies and techniques through ongoing education courses, adapting and changing with them. 

Orthodontists know what to expect  

Orthodontists know what to expect and can offer the best advice for optimal results before, during and after treatment. With their expertise in a range of complex cases, they will let you know what to expect and can monitor any potential issues. 


How do I find a specialist orthodontist in Sydney? 

Visit the Orthonotics Australia website to find a reputable Orthodontist near you, for the latest updates in Orthodontics and to help you understand the different treatment options available for you and your family. 

Speak to our specialist Orthodontist for personalised orthodontic treatments today. 

We are a family-run practice established over 35 years ago. We have been straightening smiles for many years and continue to provide specialist orthodontic treatment to our patients. Our orthodontics clinic is conveniently located in Baulkham Hills. We also offer specialist orthodontics to Norwest, Hills District, Castle Hill, Parramatta, Kellyville, The Ponds and Blacktown. 

Unlike the big orthodontic practices where the Orthodontist is mainly a supervisor and most of the work is done by dental hygienists, here at Fox Orthodontics our Specialist Orthodontists themselves will perform all your treatments.